Tuesday, February 23, 2016


i put myself with N.W.A. member's because i like their taste of music. Growing up i didn't really listen to them but when i made some friends they liked to listen to them. I got involved with their music when i was in 8th grade.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Kinoptic is an optical illusion that is two pictures put together to for an illusion

Monday, February 1, 2016

1.) What are the ten tips to become a better photographer?
Dont worry about acquiring expensive gear
shoot during the golden hour
use ugly things as subjects
deliberately limit yourself
take an art class
use a traditional film camera
study the work of other photographers
move your own positions as you shoot
experiment with new techniques 
dont be quick to delete photos you may not like right now
2.) Which tips do you feel are most beneficial to you and why?
use the golden hour because you get the best lighting to shoot photos
3.) Are there some tips you do not agree with? Which ones and why?
i feel like studying other photographers isnt really important because you really need to know how to take a nice looking picture than knowing photographers
4.) Is there a tip not in this article you heard about photography that helped you?
dont always have a center point.